If you already have found the right factory and need us to conduct the negotiations our staff is very versatile and prompt on understanding your product. However if you have not first and foremost it is important that we find the right factory; one that meets our core values of service, quality and competitive pricing. Once we have identified the right factory, we negotiate to ensure you are getting the best pricing and sometimes more importantly, payment terms.
Asia is a different culture and negotiating is to be done last. First and foremost you have to build a relationship that establishes trust and clear communication. iXportPro takes the time to establish contact and then visits factories to assure this step is never overlooked. During the sourcing process we have other pricing from other factories to use as a negotiating tool. It is important that you don’t over negotiate and jeopardize quality or the relationship.
We have years of experience in negotiating and if the right price cannot be accomplished with the right factory we will tell you so.